Sandra Felemovicius

  • BIO

    Born in Mexico City, I carry the rich colors and traditions of my heritage with me everywhere I go. Minneapolis has been my home for 27+ years, and I love bringing that energy to homes and business spaces here in Twin Cities through my art. I strive to evoke a reaction through my painting, and it is this conversation between artist and viewer that has always fascinated me.

    This favorite quote from Richard Pousette-Dart stating “I strive to express the spiritual nature of the universe. Painting is for me a dynamic balance and wholeness of life; it is mysterious and transcendent, yet solid and real,” captures the heart of who I am as an artist.

Sandra Felemovicius

Artist Statement

Sandra pulls from her Mexican culture and the outer tangible world to create her abstractions. She can be inspired by a fragment of a rock or a wall that catches her eye, and incorporates simple forms, shapes and lines into her complex work. Her process of creating a painting is rooted in who she is, a Jewish Mexican Artist, integrating her past with the present cultures. Always beginning with a small sketch that she later transfers to a full scale painting, she builds her surfaces using mixed media with multiple layers, resulting in a combination of light, color, forms, and shapes that creates a comforting balance.